Customers Information

“Panocenter” institute has a great reputation, over 23 years.
Our address: Mount Carmel, Haifa Moriah Ave. 77 (corner of Zrubabel 25).

The Institute is in the main artery of the Carmel ridge, easy access to the Institute. Located on the ground floor (5 easy steps). Adjacent to the Institute two bus stops both ways. Lines: 21, 22, 23, 28, 30, 31, 37, 99a,131, 132, 133. Nearby there are a lot of parking slots, “Blue-White” zone, on Moria Avenue ,. Zerubbabel street and at Cinema of Moria parking lot..

At “Panocenter”, all means of payment are accepted, including credit cards over 130 NIS. We don’t honor Diners card. Special rates for soldiers, students and workers in the medical field, and the photos are delivered immediately (up to 10 minutes after shooting), except for imaging dossiers.

For public convenience, central air conditioning in summer and winter. Fancy and wide waiting room with comfortable chairs, a TV system, mineral water bar and newspapers